
Many of these dates are, of course, approximate, and are intended as a rough guide only...

More information will follow, especially revised Egyptian dates!


3900    -    Old Kingdom, Egypt

3000    -    Unification of Egypt

2200    -    First Emperor, China

2100    -     Middle Kingdom, Egypt

2000    -    Middle Minoean culture, Crete

1850    -    Stonehenge constructed in what will be England

1700    -    Mycaenae and Tiryns are flourishing in Greece

1570    -    New Kingdom, Egypt

1400    -    Erruption of Santorini, Greece

1358    -    Tutankhamen is Pharoah in Egypt

1220    -    Moses is active

1200    -    Trojan War.  Legendary war between Greeks and Trojans does seem to be rooted in a factual trade war.

1035    -    David King in Israel

810       -    Foundation of Carthage, a city to become a super-power and threaten the growing power of Rome.

809        -    Homer composes the Illiad and the Odyssey. Doh!

840        -    Solon, makes rulings in Athens

735        -    Legendary Foundation of Rome

480        -    Battle of Salamis; the Athenian fleet whips the Persians, the superpower of the age, as they try to invade Greece.

323        -    Death of Alexander the Great. Alexander, in revenge for Persian attacks, united Greece and made himself King of Persia, overthrowing King Darius. His Empire reached India, and might have gone further if he hadn't died...

264        -    1st Punic war, between Carthage and Rome

50            -    1st Triumvirate in Rome, a joint dictatorship between Scipio, Pompey and 

49            -   Julius Caesar crosses the Rubicon, with his Legions, which according to Roman Law he should have surrendered.  This marks his major move to take control of Rome and challenge his rivals.

44            -    Caesar murdered

43            -    2nd Triumvirate

31            -    Battle of Actium

27            -    Octavius Caesar takes the name Augustus

70            -    Vespasian becomes Priceps, and Titus destroys Jerusalem

79            -    Eruption of Vesuvius

312          -    Constantine thrashes Maxentius at the Milvian Bridge

324          -    Foundation of Constantinople, "New Rome"

410          -    Alaric Visigoth attacks Rome

476          -    End of the Western Empire

577           -    Justinian and the Reconquest of the West

800           -    Imperial Coronation of Charlemagne